National Leaders Meet with Vanguard Academy Superintendent

On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, State Senator John Cornyn met with Vanguard Academy Superintendent Dr. Narciso Garcia in Washington D.C.  The meeting focused on reviewing Vanguard Academy’s student performance data and the Charter School Program Grant (CSP).  
“During our 30-minute meeting, we discussed college readiness, closing achievement gaps for all students, Literacy and mathematics gaps being closed with our students, and the great things that are happening at Vanguard Academy,” Dr. Garcia said.  “He was very impressed and grateful with all of the great things we have done and are continuing to do for our Vanguard Academy community.” 
On behalf of Dr. Garcia, we would also like to thank The National Alliance for Charter Schools for setting up the meeting with Senator Cornyn. The Alliance hosted the meeting, and so I am very grateful to them. Thank you, Senator Cornyn, for all you do for education, and see you soon at Vanguard Academy!