School Climate Transformation Grant » Awareness & Prevention

Awareness & Prevention

The School Climate Transformation Team is committed to providing ongoing resources for the health and wellness of all students and families through awareness and prevention resources. Teachers and school staff members work hard every day to prepare students for future success. Alcohol and drugs can undermine a child's academic success and other life goals. Additionally, substance misuse and substance use disorders are associated with a variety of negative consequences, including deteriorating relationships, poor school performance, loss of employment, diminished mental health, and increases in sickness. SOURCE: SAMHSA

Resources for Drug Awareness & Prevention

For Children:

National Red Ribbon Week Coloring Pages

Drug Free Coloring Pages

Dealing With Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure Situations (3rd-5th Guided Activity with Adult/Teacher)

Be Safe and Smart with Medicine Workbook (K-2nd)

Be Safe and Smart with Medicine Workbook (3rd-5th)

Show What You Know About Drugs Worksheet (3rd-5th)


For Teens:

Helping a Friend Video

Protective Factors

The Brain-Body Connection Reflection Activity

Drugs + Your Body: It Isn’t Pretty Reflection Activity

Drugs + Your Life: It Isn’t Pretty Problem-Solving Activity


For Parents:

One of the most influential factors during a child’s adolescence is maintaining a strong, open relationship with a parent. When parents create supportive and nurturing environments, children make better decisions. Though it may not always seem like it, children really hear their parents’ concerns, which is why it’s important that parents discuss the risks of using alcohol and other drugs. SOURCE: SAMHSA

Talk. They Hear You. Video

Talk. They Hear You. Video 2

Hable. Ellos Escuchan Video

Why You Should Talk to Your Kids about Alcohol and Other Drugs

Por Que Le Debes Hablar a Tu Hijo Sobre el Alcohol

Talking to Kids About Alcohol and Other Drugs: Conversation Goals

Las Charlas Breves Tienen Mayor Efecto

5 Mensajes para Comunicar

How to Talk to Your Teen About Substance Abuse

8 Maneras de Hablar Con Su Hijo Adolescente Sobre Las Drogas y El Alcohol

Drug Prevention Tips for Every Age

Safe Disposal of Prescription Medications


For Teachers & Staff:


School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention of underage drinking and drug use among their students. Together, educators and families can work to send strong and consistent messages to students about the use of alcohol and other drugs. SOURCE: SAMHSA

Talk. They Hear You. For Educators. Video


What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use


5 Conversation Goals with Students