GEAR UP » GEAR UP Mission Statement

GEAR UP Mission Statement



The GEAR UP team will enhance the relationships with our Vanguard Community to promote and facilitate college/career readiness in an innovative way by providing services and support that foster learning and equity to all.



In 2018 Vanguard was awarded a 10.6 million dollar grant to enrich our programs to all Kinder to 7th grade students with embedding STEM and college activities and initiatives. 


The GEAR UP program consists of four categories: 

Category 1: Fostering flexible and affordable paths to obtaining knowledge and skills.

Category 2: Promoting science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) education, with a particular focus on computer science.

Category 3: Protecting freedom of speech and encouraging respectful interactions in a safe educational environment, or fostering knowledge and promoting the development of skills that prepare students to be informed, thoughtful, and productive individuals and citizens.

Category 4: Fostering knowledge and promoting the development of skills that prepare students to be informed, thoughtful, and productive individuals and citizens.