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House Bill 5 (HB 5) Case

Community and Student Engagement Evaluation - CASE


House Bill 5 (HB 5) of the 83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session added Section 39.0545 to the Texas Education Code (TEC). TEC § 39.0545 requires that each school district evaluate and assign ratings of Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, or Unacceptable for the District and for each campus on both overall performance and nine performance categories. Community and Student Engagement Evaluations (CASE) were conducted of Vanguard Academy and its four schools during the spring semester. The results were an opportunity to showcase areas of excellence and success, as well as recognize areas in need of improvement. The evaluation results will assist the District with setting future goals for Vanguard Academy and its schools that are valued in the community.

A local district committee met to create the campus criteria and self-evaluation tool for the nine performance categories listed below:

  1. Fine Arts

  2. Wellness and Physical Education

  3. Community and Parent Involvement

  4. 21st Century Workforce Development Program

  5. Second Language Acquisition Program

  6. Digital Learning

  7. Dropout Prevention Strategies

  8. Educational Programs for GT Students

  9. Compliance with Statutory Reporting Policy Requirements                                                                     

Rating labels for performance categories one through eight and for the overall campus/district rating are: Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, Unacceptable, or Not Applicable.  A rating of Yes or No will be assigned for performance category 9, Compliance with Statutory Reporting Policy Requirements. 


CASE Evaluation


2016-2017                     2017-2018




Dear Parents and Guardians,

House Bill 5 (HB 5) of the 83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session added Section 39.0545 to the Texas Education Code (TEC). TEC § 39.0545 requires that each school district evaluate and assign ratings of Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, or Unacceptable for the District and for each campus on both overall performance and nine performance categories. Community and Student Engagement Evaluations were conducted of Vanguard Academy and its four schools during the spring semester. The results were an opportunity to showcase areas of excellence and success, as well as recognize areas in need of improvement. The evaluation results will assist the District with setting future goals for Vanguard Academy and its schools that are valued in the community.


A local district committee met to create the campus rubric and self‐evaluation tool for the nine

performance categories. Below is a summary of the Community and Student Engagement Evaluation results:



Estimados padres y tutores:

El Proyecto de Ley 5 ‐ House Bill 5 (HB 5) de la 83ava. Sesión Ordinaria de la Legislatura de Texas agregó la Sección 39.0545 del Código de Educación de Texas (TEC). TEC § 39.0545 la cual requiere que cada distrito escolar evalue y asigne clasificaciones de Ejemplar, Reconocido, Aceptable o Inaceptable para el Distrito como para cada escuela tanto en el rendimiento general como el rendimiento en nueve categorías. Las valucaciones de la Comunidad y la Participación Estudiantil se llevaron a cabo en Vanguard Academy sus ocho escuelas durante el semestre de la primavera de 2016. Los resultados proveyeron una oportunidad para mostrar las áreas de excelencia y el éxito, así como reconocer las áreas que necesitan mejorar. Los resultados de la evaluación ayudarán al Distrito con el establecimiento de metas futuras para Vanguard Academy y sus escuelas que son valoradas en la comunidad.


Un comité del distrito local se reunió para crear la matriz de valoración de las escuelas y una herramienta de

autoevaluación para las nueve categorías de rendimiento. A continuación se muestra un resumen de los resultados

de la evaluación de La Comunidad y la Participación Estudiantil: